Love Poem: Tender Love
Regina Mcintosh Avatar
Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Tender Love

A little like heartfelt elation
Blessings rained down to us
Coloring our dreams, our hopes
Denying the need for more
Easy as the light falling across
Feelings, freeing, fulfilling
Glorious talents, awakened
Happiness in harmony with His
Incredible spirit, His gifts
Joy so complete it stirs up
Kindness, keeping our light, our
Love at the core of every
Moment, every fantasy, each
Need, ambition, aspiration
Opening the heart to believe
Promises we can’t break
Quiet words spoken by those
Romantic hearts who know
Serenity comes to life inside
Those who listen to the heart
Understanding the wonders
Vows between two lovers
Who know what it means to 
XOXO with complete assurance
You and me, together, share a
Zillion feelings on our anniversary!

Anniversary Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Sara Kendrick 
September 6, 2022