Love Poem: Tender Ways
GM Veranes Avatar
Written by: GM Veranes

Tender Ways

Simple demonstrations of my heart calling for you
Lie motionless across the span of time.
I heard you coming before I knew the shape of your face
Or the angst imprisoned behind your eyes.
Now that I see more clearly I vaguely recognize
The distance living in your heart and mind.
It is the same as the distance that dwells within me
It is the same good intentions wrenched from the actions.
It is the distance that lives between your eyes and mine,
It is that minute space between our lips 
Holding hostage the very air which we breathe.
If this tender way of yours holds true
I will be your ladder and I will never let you drown;
I will never leave you treading water on your own. 
There will be no need to define all the ways I’ve lost myself in you.