Love Poem: Tentative
Gordon Stahlsmith Avatar
Written by: Gordon Stahlsmith


Consider a moment, 
Tentative steps.
Perhaps they seem new 
and an uncharted realm,
requiring a measure of time 
to truly remember how to walk 
a path that leads to happiness.

Glance at the citadels' walls
which you have built over time, 
to protect your hearts desires.
Do you really comprehended,
its image, stature and strength 
from the other side of perception?

Is wanting to know for certain,
you are not making another
emotionally bankrupting mistake,
an indication of fear or mistrust?

Or perhaps is it wisdom, 
garnered from a lifetime
of hard learned lessons, that
mandates patience to allow 
what ever may happen to occur,
in its own time and way 
in un conjured innocent freedom.

Do you trust nothing more than
you initial emotional reaction,
or the longing to derive some semblance
of unrealized happiness in place of
the void loneliness dictates?

Wanting nothing more than to ingrain,
the entire essence and being of the other,
so that a serene completeness can
turn waking dreams into reality's treasure.