Love Poem: Tesu a Folk Love Story of India 01
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Written by: Ravindra K Kapoor

Tesu a Folk Love Story of India 01

Prelude Note: The Poem Tesu is based on a folk story of India. The Tesuwalas* as depicted in the Poem are gradually diminishing with the passing of time and changing life styles. It's a tribute to that great warrior and lover, who sacrificed his life because he had promised. How and when you would come to know shortly..... Hope you would find this wonderful Indian traditional story a thing to remember. With best wishes before the festival of Dewali (Light) ...Ravindra Tesu A Folk Love Story of India Part 1 The festival of the splendid lights Of Dewali, is not very far off, The Tesuwalas* would come to wish, You, your dreams and homes, Remain illuminated With happiness and colorful lights. 01 The Tesu* has come, With its pomp & show,* We have come to bless you, “Your dreams may come true” But please, take out some coins, From the far-far corner Of your miser purse, For the little girls and boys of Tesuwalas* Who come only once in a year to greet you. 02 The prevailing darkness,* Would eliminate soon, And all the blackness Of the night too, Would vanish soon, Just light your lamps, In this black dark night, As, only one single lamp Has the powe,r To eliminate any darkness, And you began to feel, The glimpse of light sublime. 03 Ravindra Kanpur India 4th Nov. 2012 To continue …..... Protected under the copy write provisions of Poetry Soup as per US laws. Copying this story without the permission of the writer is strictly prohibited and would be subject to legal remedies taken by the writer. Tesu* - The Name of the hero of this Poem. Pomp & Show* the earthen pot (Handiya) With a symbolic light in it and nicely decorated with a face with big mustache on the earthen pot is the pomp & show of Tesu. Tesuwalas* - Hindi word. The young boys and girls, who carry The decorated earthen pot with holes and a light inside on their head and come Once in a year near Dewali are called ‘Tesuwalas’ prevailing darkness*- A night without Moon