Wise words spoken like a true scribe. Is it really better to have loved though.. Because i swear i seen you just yesterday with an expression i couldnt describe. I seen you standing there eyes heavy and lips quivering because he left you cold. My heart beats faster because all it knows is that it is your hero. The faster it goes and the hearder it works the more it is your remedy. But yet when i reach out for you it's murmer gets louder though. It stutter comes from an interuption that seems like it lies beside me. The inherent feeling time has placed on me is overcomed only by your true essence. By the softness of your voice to the easyness of your bodys aura. To the complexity yet simplicty of you and all your curvse that make you ever present. Even when my eyes fall into the stars trance. All my heart beats for is her. Her mystery is my heartache and my muse. IT takes me there and yet it smothers the fire. The way she walks to her locker left my heart suduced. leaving my eyes wide and my emotions left to aspire. Aspire to lie next to you. To feel you. To embrace you. To just hold you. I still dream of love. Because i cant shake you. Across time you still exist and your love i cant get enough of. Is this what i feel true? Because the scribe said it is better to have loved? Yet I never got the chance to. So To never haved loved.. Is all the bad that a heart can handle too. So I awake to see love staring at me.. I turn over and fall back into the stars trance.