Thank God For Pearl
I went to church when I was five,
Sunday School, never missed.
I looked over; who did I see?
Well, of course, I saw Pearl teaching.
Time went by and I got older,
I graduated to the “big church”.
I looked over, I sat on the left.
Who was on the right, Pearl.
Once a month, every month,
Usually the first Sunday… Food`s aplenty.
Go downstairs to eat, who`s there?
Right again. Pearl, with bowl in hand, always happy.
Time goes by, I'm married now.
It's Sunday. Church again; this time with family.
I look to the right, across the aisle,
and who`s there? Right again. Pearl…
1999, it's a very sad Sunday in church.
My Gramzer, upfront in casket; she passed away.
I stood up, turned around, I said a few words.
Who do I see? Pearl, handkerchief in hand, wiping away a tear.
It`s Sunday, Church, Choir time.
I walk up front and once again,
Looking behind me, I see...
Pearl, ready to sing for Jesus.
Time goes by; my whole family is with me.
We're on the left, as usual.
It's been 55 years since that first Sunday.
I look over. Who do I see? I see Pearl once again.
Pearl, I thank God for you…