Love Poem: Thank You
Melissa Gregg Avatar
Written by: Melissa Gregg

Thank You

It’s quiet here
Like it always is this time of day
When I’m left with my thoughts
Thoughts of you and the sweet memories that flood my mind
Drown my heart
Remembering the way you kissed me, 
as years of passion 
were released onto my ever waiting lips
In that kiss I found love, for the first time
An absolute warmth that embraced my soul
Desires met in sweat, bodies entangled in sheets and bad lighting
You uncovered the woman in me I was never allowed to be
As we spoke of aspirations, I found a will I never knew I had 
Because of you I realize I have goals and dreams to fulfill
Maybe it will take everyday of forever 
My showing you how grateful I am that you came into my life
Bringing to light things I never knew existed
Unconditional love
Passion, unrelenting desire
Love of Life

I will fill your forever with 
Thank You’s