Thank You
You want to know my troubles
And I know you really care
Buts it’s just that my heart
Has always been full with fear
And it’s been buried so long
I’m afraid the pain will remain
Because if we dig it up now
It might never go away again
Bad memories we keep buried
Is to protect it from the rain
Because just like the trees
It could start to grow again
When life throws us lemons
Some say make lemonade
I did but ran out of sugar
So no difference it made?
I trust you will my heart
And I will give you my love
You are my super hero
Who can never fly above?
So please forgive me
For not sharing my memories
Because I put it in bottle
And throw out to the seas
Many leave the lonely road
Because they see a ray of hope
In America I have you
In the Vatican they have the pope
Just want you to see my heart
Not how I look on the outside
And when I write poems for you
My hearts are full with pride
Always try to make others happy
My father words are so true
Because if had not listen to him
I never would have meet you
Many people don’t know this
That a simple kind word to others
Can make difference in their lives
And give hope, when all is gone
If try to thank you with words
For what you have done for me
I will be writing from now until
The day Jesus comes back to humanity
So will try my best to explain
With simple words nothing to clever
So will just come out and say it
Best friend I love you forever