Thank You Mom
Nine months of gestational pain
But for me you bore it with a smile
When it hurts me even a little
Your heart beat stop for a while
When I am near you
Your love wraps me and care
When I am far from you
Your blessings shield me there
When I am sick
Your magical touch makes pain shoo away
When I am scared
Your voice makes my fear run away
In success your praise gives me strength to keep up
In failure your encouragement lets me not to give up
When things are going wrong you hold me strong
Like threads of a quilt
Even when times are hard
You smile like a flower whose petals never wilt
Your love gives me protection
Mom you truly are an epitome of affection
I am so blessed with this special gift from above
I thank God for sending you
To guide me through and shower your love
I am thankful to you for all you do
I love you too mom as much you do