Thank You Poetrysoup and Soupers
My gratitude I would like to express
To each Souper, whom I pray God to bless
Without forgetting the Soup
That unites us to a group
For without its help couldn't reach success!
© Demetrios Trifiatis
27 June 2019
* Last year, a research team of DUKE university , NC , USA, wishing to fight racism chose my poem " WORLD DAY AGAINST RACISM " to create a documentary in which I recite my poem. On the 11th of June went to DUKE to be present at the premiere of the documentary (13th of June) and gave a speech on the subject of love. Tomorrow the documentary is going to be shown on the internet. All this would never have been possible if PoetrySoup was not there and if all of you, who have supported me since 2012 had not shown your love. Those who fought and still fight me, I love them the same!