Love Poem: Thanks For the Diamonds
William Masonis Avatar
Written by: William Masonis

Thanks For the Diamonds

'Tis 60 years now come and gone
Since first we took our Pledge
To be true, one to another,
To take a step beyond the sharp edge
That marks the bounds of Mine or Thine,
Embracing, the more nobly, in its stead
This larger life of Two made One,
Sharing our travels 'round the Sun.

Through Fortune's forges
Together we've passed,
Shared its givings and takings,
First to last.
We've sojourned together the whole of the way,
To pull into safe harbor at the end of the day.

To safe harbor at sunset we come,
Our treasure in tow;
All the diamonds we've gathered
From the things we now know:
That the Having is more when the Taking is less,
That the Wealth is more than the simple show
Of whatever fine fittings upon this fair ship,
Between us the diamonds flash and spark,
All carved from whisperings in the dark.

So thanks for the diamonds,
My Beloved, My Dear
That shine with the light 
Of each cherished year -
Stronger than time, deeper than death,
Those treasures we build, while yet we draw breath.