Thanx For the Welcome
Hey, thanks a heavy bunch for the welcome
Hey, thanks a larger lot for the welcome
My heart is duly enthralled
My mind has been positively stirred
Two days ago I had a lot on my mind
Now ‘coz of y’all, here I exist in delight
Heaven must be missing quite a number of angels
For what I read on my screen can’t be wordings of ordinary mortals
For now I don’t need heaven
For I have found myself a haven full of the soup I need to get well
A brick at a time, each with purity and love in mind
I’m certain this shrine full of wonder will rise to shine
Such are the blessings of men and women of initiative
Offering poets like me and you the mortar to build our dreams into reality
My heart fills with gratitude, tonnes of it in advance
For the doors of opportunity I’m certain to unearth, in this shelter of dreams
The beginning might be a tad bit rocky
But please bear with me as I drift off my ecstasy to clarity, as consequential of this
new discovery
I promise to soon find my bearings
And flow at ease like a new Lamborghini on these sleek streets of many dreams
In the meantime don’t mind if sometimes I blurt
For a new soup like this always tastes so sweet, makes one reveal what he was
meant to keep
Thanks indeed for allowing me to be a part of you
Allow me to advertise to others that you and I on Poetry Soup too