That Cat Chat
It was love at first sight seeing your furry faces.
To scoop you up and take you to various places.
Me and Ash are so happy to be your mom and dad.
Your shenanigans made us both glad and mad.
First our oldest Robbie, thinking you’re a big kitten.
Reminding me of a decade ago when first we were smitten.
Your belly always seems to never be full enough.
And disappointed when I stop brushing your scruff.
When Chloe, Max & Gabby went to fur heaven.
It was time for 2 babies after birthday eleven.
So with Zoey now turning one,
The house was ready for fun.
Our girl filled a void, being sweet and playful.
With wet food she always wanted a mouthful.
When getting Olivia as a tiny white fluff ball.
Zoey became surrogate mom of a baby small.
They would chase, wrestle and groom.
So fast, as a white and grey zoom.
Becoming instant soul mates.
It was totally worth the waits.
Browsing exotic pets we discovered Highlands.
With their amazing six and seven finger hands.
Having the look of a lynx deep in the wild.
Ashley’s research on the breed compiled.
The unique physical traits grabbed our eyes.
These affordable purebreds are great buys.
We spoke with some breeders and were sold.
One of these guys would surely love our fold.
So when a lil dude was born a few hours away.
We knew he would become our kid today.
Ash worked it out with them in every detail.
It was clear there was no way this could fail.
So I sit glowing with him resting behind me.
Laying in Ryder’s lap on his furry heinie.
Now Ry has a buddy loving PJ Masks like him.
Ready to relax and play at his random whim.
Seeing his massive paws and fluffy stubby tail.
His macho features couldn’t look more male.
At first he’s moving around quiet and slow.
So I wonder how his excitement will show.
Will he mimic behaviors of our prior felines?
Or uniquely ask for his leash with whines?
He’ll meet his new siblings in just a few hours.
Making himself at home on our catified towers.
My Tucker, it’s now official you’re our furry son.
With those big mitts I can’t wait to see you run!