Love Poem: That Darkness Leading Into Silent Tombs
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Written by: Robert Lindley

That Darkness Leading Into Silent Tombs

That Darkness Leading Into Silent Tombs

At night, hallway between our distant bedrooms
that darkness leading into silent tombs,
I know the pain of your quiet despair,
where foul shadows float though the air.

Memories of that day, those dastardly deeds
bequeath a crop of ever darker seeds,
I feel the anger and loss deep in your cave
that agonizing hurt, loss of the love you gave.

Yet you see not the greater wrong done me
tight chains that kept me from being free,
and how your blindness took away my sight
as we both now - embrace misery day and night.

If only we could wake from these never ending dreams
Find dear mercy and light, that both our heart redeems

R.J. Lindley,
Oct. 17th, 1974