That Drowning Eyes
When these two eyes met
First time, it is for a century or more
My eyes get drunk in
The nectar of the love.
But you get vanishes
Leaving my eyes in hangover.
These eyes wants to
Taste yours eyes.
They search again that
Alcoholic eyes.
After a long time
These eyes are met
With their drugs.
Then these eyes start a journey
To reach your eyes.
And asking permission from my beloved
To sink into that eyes
And touch his core of the soul.
He permits me .
I start swimming
More and more depth
In those infinity eyes .
So much time passed
But I never reach his core.
We are standing still
From years there.
Still swimming into each other
In desire to reach each other core.
In this long period of swimming
I fall for him eternally.
He has such a great ocean
Of kindness, romantism, love.
Of respect and what not.
You are the king of
Endless oceans of deep emotions..