That Finest O'The Castle
"That Finest o'the Castle"
Down that road now to the sea, 'sfound that town of Kiloree...
Fires burning ever bright, all throughout that night...
In all taverns... deep to brawling pits...
true night of revelry.
Oh... those townfolk did so gather along that road to sea...
For treasure won that very day had been in Kiloree.
He the finest of the castle, with lass upon his knee...
He in love with her, she in love with him..
Had both then rode through that night, naught but lover's whim...
Down that road to very sea and that town of Kiloree.
For under great and olden, tallest stout oak tree...
Those dreams of youth didst overcome that path to eternity.
That lightning bolt which did descend so rent that tree asunder...
And from those oaken boughs emerged thus truest wonder.
Amidst that tangle of wildest branch and yet in his embrace...
That lass then with her lad did find her surely given place.
Her voice yet young so soft so sweet...
Took strength in night event such swift uncertainty.
'Tis true it were as had been thought...
Her lad of world another... of distant brightest star.
Nor of earthly flesh had been this lad so wrought...
To her bosom thus did fall tear o'thought afar.
Oh, those bells did toll all through the day...
In town of Kiloree.
Some did laugh with mirth and glee...
Other did naught but pray.
Tear that fell so seen... wondrous in its sheen...
For gained her lad so she had... that day in Kiloree.
Yet heart anew thought sad... as her soul's lost virginity...
Lest time to come might tell... o'er din a'wondrous bell.
'Twas he that o'which legend spoke... in quiet hill mid'st valley wise...
Lad a'come to plunder... his sword o'guile wit nor guise.
He who rode that Devil's own steed...
On those roads o'Kiloree.
That Finest o'the Castle...
With his Lass upon his knee.
Rode he Fate that day...
Down down far down... to very Kiloree.