That Funny Emotion Called Love
I see some who have faith, and some who have doubts,
and why not? for so many have seen it go south.
It is hard to embrace an emotion so frail,
with one outcome glorious, the rest, doomed to fail.
It discourages, sadness and dims your demeanor,
with one thrust, it can take all your trust to the cleaners!
And SO many times it will falsely appear,
moving away every time you draw near.
It teases and tiptoes around you at night,
yet by day it remains a big part of your life.
It shows up at meetings, when lunch is provided,
and when you are home, it strolls in uninvited.
It stomps around, feet full of mud, without wiping,
It purposefully mixes the trash with recycling.
Suffice to say, it can be an ill guest,
it will eat, it will push, it will tug, it will test.
But there is a trick, which I'll tell you about,
one thing about true Love, it's not often found.
Rather, Love tends to treat you better, you'll find,
when it happens without force, and arrives from inside.
But I promise, cross my heart, hope to die, i don't lie,
when Love's arms open wide, they squeeze tight for all time.
...and that's the end of this rhyme!