That Gratitude Attitude
A co-empathic sense of trust,
appreciation of echo-resonant
deep-listening resolving life.
Autumnal taproot harvesting spring-hope,
just as summer's nutritional maturation
unfolds Origin of fertile decomposing mindfulness.
Why Thich Nhat Hanh thinks it important to smile
Why Positive Deviance works.
Why Positive Psychology works and plays spoken truths
with dancing beauty.
Why regenerative political discernment leads
healthier cooperative outcomes
polyculturally maturing
by multicultural self-governing
balancing networks,
climaxing EarthHealth climates.
Mutual Gratitude
diastolically opens toward agapic/erotic love,
provokes lasting happiness and contentment
while sustained in a culture too often neglecting
more cooperatively embraced and active entertainments.
Necessary and sufficient,
for fulfilling mind-fulls
reflecting healthy sustainable physical life.
Gratitude attitude:
Respect for Earth's grace,
and sustained Mutual Commons Place
leads through hope and toward summer's full faith,
toward fall's harvest of love and beauty-bliss;
where We Are One,
and prepare Winter's cycle of hibernating Oneness
in Yin's recessive advent,
facing toward Spring's new birth.
When our intent chooses gratitude
practice becomes centered in mindfulness,
ego-wealth reflecting eco-health consciousness.
When intent is co-mindful reiterative modeling,
our mutually regenerative practice
loves life as grateful love our more beautiful selves
Zero-sum economizes equivocal grace.
Becoming grace in process
requires balancing ecology of Nutritional Yang DeductiveCausaLaws
with Love's Yin InductiveAffectiveTrusts.
These nondual two are inextricably dipolar linked
as are noticing hope with understanding faith,
yang formed yintegral flow,
leading, balancing nondually together
toward political/economic
health/wealth reassuring comprehension.
Yin's Grace whispers of hope for a meeting of minds.
To build Yang's value,
develop mindfulness,
sing and dance
pray and speak our story,
our history of nutritional laws of nature
with love's grace of spirit,
with gratitude for all those whose voices ring
in our ears and minds as bodies.
for autumn's forest falling seed,
inoculating our soils with hope
to be held,
through winter's politically competitive economy of cold discontent,
Winter brings purgative Advent of dormant hope
without current incarnation of embryonic faith,
which returns to 4-seasoned Earth each reborn Spring
of daily life.
This same gratitude enthymematic seed-root of Positive Deviance,
Appreciative Inquiry,
Basic Attendance,
CoEmpathic Political Trust
Attachment Theory
Restorative Justice
Nonviolent Communication
between pilgrims traveling Earth's empathic consciousness
of life and death nutrition revolutions,
regenerating compost piles of truth as beauty memories.
A graced gestalt,
informed contrast with an unsustainable law
of insufficient absorption
into ego-proprietor value-based gestalt,
courage-curiosity affect.
balances a bicameral cooperative grace thriving economy
with our midway TrimTab value
optimizing political survival economy.
This karma/grace gestalt
comprehends OurCommons
as EarthHome Network
to which we equally belong responsibly authoritative
more profoundly,
than understanding this Commons
of Earth-Air-Water-Firey flames of information
as property we own,
and even lecture with great confusion sometimes.
We do no good presenting our best political-economic lectures
while standing empty-handed in our favorite garden
or forest
or mountain or sea or lake
or home;
far better still to listen to these speak their grace
across grateful ears and eyes and nose and mouth,
to know where we might best begin with bicameral hands
and bipedal vocational feet.
Deep Ecology of Gratitude
growth in depth of regenesis,
an economy of nutritional nature
co-mentoring bodies of graceful co-ownership
through value transfers with other enculturations present,
past and future sentient beings
at their cooperative GiveGraceForward expansive expense,
co-invested interdependent multigenerational
benign parasites
disguised as nakedly benign Hosts.
To comprehend this EarthCommons
calls to listen,
with gratitude,
and thereby increase in mindfulness of abundant comprehensive potential,
graceful loving SpiritYin
with nutritional YangNature's Laws and Primal Principles
of eco-balancing reciprocity.