That Happy Dream
Frisking in that saffron warmth
It came to me, and forgotten mirth
Once again rang in my chamber
To the tune that just took birth
To quell this long slumber.
I was still asleep, cold and dry,
Barren as the nightmare’s sky,
When It came to me, that happy dream,
To once again answer why
I must wake and go down the stream.
Gently It kisses me:
Stars sprouting in the soil I see,
And under that distant willow,
I find you calling to me,
And I come to you, with a pillow.
The skies are soft and silken;
Their melodies to which we hearken
Lull us to a dreamy sleep,
And It comes again under a new welkin
To wake me up at another deep
For all this to transpire once again.
Oh, may this never end!
I forfeit my life to this dream defend,
For I do not know when
I’ll wake again to my days spend
Without a glimpse of this heaven.