That Heart On Your Sleeve
That Heart on Your Sleeve
It is very sad to see a situation where a person or any
person ends up wearing his or her heart on their sleeve.
In the end, the expression, “wearing that heart of yours on
your sleeve” does seem to be a big ditto in human society.
When love and emotions come into conflict it can be quite
easy for someone, man or woman, to have their heart broken.
Unfortunately, this is always a possibility of sorts when two
people meet and they end up falling “head over heels” in love.
Feelings of utter loneliness and the cruelty of another person
may end up destroying a relationship that once had promise.
It takes “two to tango” in any love relationship and especially
in a marriage where people in love must learn to live together.
Some couples are successful and some others are not, but that’s
the real situation in any relationship involving love and emotions.
Beware of anyone who should tell you differently about any state
of affairs concerning “that heart on your sleeve.” Be cautious!!
Life is short in human terms, but a real love between two people
in an ethereal and eternal sense could last forever. Good Luck!!
And, in the end, only Almighty God knows all of this for sure.
I certainly hope so!! Amen.
Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved
December 5, 2018 (Lyric)