Love Poem: That Looks Like Love To Me
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Written by: Kelly Crenshaw

That Looks Like Love To Me

That "once upon a time"
Seems so long ago
Every story always starts there
On a blank canvas of hope
I walked away before your heart even beat one time
I've never known the sound of your heart's cry
And your pictures never hung upon my wall
But your father he was there when you fell and skinned your knee
He was the one that held you and rocked you to sleep
He paid the price it cost to love you
Not me
Your father's always been there
Where I refused to be 
He was there for you
And that looks like love to me
I missed all the moments of your life
I never kissed you good night
Never told you it's gonna be alright/no monster neath your bed
All the things a real father always said
I was never there when you skinned your knee
I never rocked you to sleep
I never paid the price it cost to love you
No not me
Your Father's always been there
Where I refused to be 
He was there for you . . . 
And that looks like love to me
And when you didn't get your way
And when your anger broke his heart that day
You ran away
But he loved you anyway
Your father's always been there
Where I refused to be 
He was there for you . . .
And that looks like love to me
And on a hill far away so long ago
A Father sent His Son to die so He could give us hope
And they hated Him . . .
But He loved them anyway
He gave His Life that day
He was there for you . . .
And He paid the price
And that looks like Love to me 
So now we've met
And all I feel is shame and deep regret
You should hate me but you don't
And every time you hug me it brings healing to my soul
And you smile and you forgive
That's so much more than I can comprehend
Even though your pain runs much deeper than I can see
You still forgive
And you've paid a price it cost to love that I can't conceive 
And that looks like love to me
And I thank God for the man
That always held your hand
Your Father's always been there
Where I refused to be 
He was there for you
And that looks like love to me
That sure does look like love to me