That Night
Lost in confusion
As the chaos of the world
Was around me.
In that starry night
The moon was full
Summer was in the air.
I saw only you,
I wanted to see
Only you.
For you shone so bright
With the light I saw
In your eyes.
So I came closer,
Closer to holding
All I ever wanted.
And as I walked to you
Locked in our gaze
I searched for meaning,
Guidance, affirmation.
My every dream was realized
As you reached out
Your hand.
And soon after was left broken
As she took
Your grasp
And the only thing
I thought
I ever trusted myself with.
I stood still
Ever so still
With my heavy heart.
And the world continued to dance
To its music.
With all the night's festivities
Suddenly the sky lit up
Captivated by its beauty
I surrendered
All my fears
To the evening sky.
And though there was
So much sadness
I cannot possibly explain,
It was that night
I lost and found myself again.