That Night I Remember
That Night I Remember
(A Poem by Rajneesh Yadav)
I still remember that day
When we both were together
Sitting on a boulder
With your head on my shoulder
Far away from distance of miles
Stars were staring us with their beautiful smiles
Cool breeze was blowing
And the whole ambience was fragnanced
Moon too was blushing
To see our romance
On the bed of soft sand
In glow of moonlight
We layed down on beach side
With your body on me
I could feel the warmth of your skin
Your breath on my neck
That quivered within
I cuddled you tight in my arms
Savoured your embrace
I was enchanted in your body fragrance
We were lost into each others eyes
Then came glowing fireflies
Whole sky was glittered that summer night
Earth became heaven in the glow of fireflight
I stood up and walked towards the whispering tide
You came and held me from behind
Running fingers sensuously on my chest
You turned me and held from my waist
With eyes closed we came closer
Lost in dreams we kissed each other