That Path
Please show me love like I’ve never known
I’ve crawled up to this height all on my own
Please teach my heart that it’s not alone
I’m closing my eyes and I’m letting go
My sacrifice whispers that I am wrong
It’s starting to fade into the darkest song
These words in its rhythm just don’t belong
I can no longer hold on
People that see death as the devil’s hands
Running and screaming and burning the land
I’m caught in the middle of their demands
Their grains of sand
I can’t centre wisdom within this place
The love that I need is somewhere in this race
My efforts become hopes for saving face
It’s the darkest taste
Insecure and pricelessly dressed in gold
So shiny and loving; the things I hold
I’ve forgotten exactly what was just sold
I know only what they’ve told
The loving that I need is painted white
But underneath her skin there’s only night
Too busy to look deeper than I might
It’s just a pretty sight