That Pinwheel
I hear that pinwheel clicking, that pinwheel of complexities.
That pinwheel is one that conveys my mind to another time.
That pinwheel, that broken pinwheel that clicks.
I once reviled that pinwheel for so long, even more as the wind carried.
Yet now a pledge has grown from that pinwheel’s wretched clicking,
For it carries me to those days of great disdain amid that pinwheel and me.
Those days in which I struggled to purge our lives of that pinwheel,
But she would not permit it; because it was that pinwheel I gave her.
Those days I tried do burn that pinwheel, those days of involvement.
Those days she and I were exultant, but these days I sit patient and idle.
These days I am solitary waiting for it to come while I rest in my armchair.
These days I wait for it to come for me the same as it came for her.
These days that pinwheel sits by that window that is open so slightly.
These days the wind blows and that pinwheel clicks and I smile.
That moment I picked that pinwheel from the ground.
That moment I gave that pinwheel to the loveliest of all the fairer.
That moment the world fell silent and she accepted to my bid for her affection.
Click, Click, Click…
That moment death came for my beloved.
I once considered the destruction of that pinwheel.
I once argued with my love over that pinwheels purpose.
I once was told leave it to its destiny, and so I left that pinwheel alone.
That pinwheel, those days, these days, that moment, I once hated that pinwheel, that pinwheel.