That Secret Place
Jesus Christ is my only Peace.
It is through Him my thoughts find rest.
When death or darkness show its face,
I take my soul to that secret place.
While hiding in the love of God,
I find my way to faith from above.
That is where my sorrows melt.
His love breaks through the darkest day.
When friendships tug on my heartstrings,
When money finds an empty bin,
When hope sinks down to deep despair,
I pray to God…
He is always there.
When rambling thoughts race through my brain,
When life is void of joys sweet flame,
I ask my Lord to keep me safe.
My soul can feel His strong embrace.
No matter what earth life may bring,
My God takes care of everything.
And when I feel like a silly flake,
Or ask the Lord, my soul to take,
I find great strength from God above:
To carry on with agape…love,
To help a neighbor when life is sad,
Or ease some hunger, sharing bread.
All of nature is a special gift.
Made for man in his web of life.
Greater still is the gift from God.
The sacrifice that was made for love…
Jesus Christ, Father’s only begotten
I accept salvation; God forgiving sin.
Through Him mankind has learned good ways.
Now, joy from heaven shines each day.