That Spring Love In Your Eyes
That Spring Love in Your Eyes
Spring Love’s in your eyes for me now to see,
And it reaffirms thoughts of our special love;
And there is no other place I would rather be,
As we kiss deeply under the moon light above!
Darling with you in my arms this spring season,
My feelings are of such passion with true bliss;
We are “two” together by His Heavenly reason,
And for this our time together is never amiss!
With spring in bloom and God’s blessing above,
My heart’s yours forever my love please know;
For I know our emotions are of the deepest love,
And for this Darling to the Earth’s end I would go!
With that special spring love dear in your eyes,
Nothing on Earth compares with this Heavenly prize!
Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved,
May 10, 2015 (Shakespearean Sonnet)