Thats What I Want
A birthday isn’t just a day I was born in
It is the celebration and ecstasy for staying alive another year
Of all the birthdays
I came to look at today as a forgotten recall
Of all the birthdays
I disliked this one
And reviewed my life
Since the start
And regretted the things I wanted to do
And delayed them
But I was willing to do them
With compassion and enthusiasm as ever
But, my parents and specially my dad
Never keeps his word
And that with an disregardful trait
Maybe he has gotten old
Maybe he is starting to pay less attention
And care less to examine thoughts
Maybe, but I wished and wanted and desired
He was younger, so that he could live longer
Because we came afterwards
He has already given all the care and love to the previous kids
Who are now adults and can depend on themselves
How it pleases and sets me happy
When he at least plays with us
That’s what I want
A real dad
Who smiles and speaks appropriate jokes
Who encourages me to follow my dreams
And not let them sink with the days
Who helps me develop my talents
Who really and really understand me
And my feelings
Who can love me and show it
Who can promise me and stick to his promise
No matter what
That’s what I want
Is that too much to ask?
I want dad and mom
To play with me football
And basketball
And many other games
I want to share qualities and moments
With them
But can they at least speak to me
Without making a joke out of my words?
That’s what I want
And I don’t want to blow the 100 lit candles on my birthday
I want to live and experience things I never saw
I want to do stuff I never thought of doing
Play instruments and strengthen talents
Achieve things I never dreamt of achieving
Scoring goals, walking extended paths
So that when I’m about to die
I die with satisfaction to say
I lived a life