The 0cay Exterminator
I suppose there are no new problems in the world to be exterminated,
well, I mean, of course there are as many new problems
as there are creatures having a new day today,
but I mean I suppose there are no absolutely unprecedented types of power-struggles about comparative freedoms to and from
with short and/or long-term health and love's security implications,
just as there is no such thing as time flowing backward
except in our surprisingly 4D-equivalent visual imaginations.
What might it be like to be able to reverse time in our
hearing imaginations?
so we could hear a song sung backward in our head,
a life lived backward from full Yang voiced maturity
back to Yang/Yin embryonic soup,
surfing in soft warm dualdark composting diastatic murmurs,
like the Earth turning back into a newer
speed-of-enlightenment BlackHole Sun,
evolution as revolution to our 4D listening minds.
Imagine today as the conclusion of your Creation Story,
and play yourself backward to our mutually-held DNA/RNA
health-commons solidarity,
political-economic loves lives
ecological (0)-sum embryonic beginning.
Exterminators of life's great and smaller problems
must first
and more importantly,
become regenerators of solutions,
for if there are no new categories of Creation Story problems,
then there are no new categorical resolutions of chronic,
and more climatic,
issues and transitions and economic transactions and political relationships,
and personal loves and active distrusts,
health yin-streams
implied within pathological screaming contests,
yang-supremacist nightmares.
ReGenerators of Solutions
look for least effort compost piles of ideas, nutritional possibilities
repurposed from our still-evolving history of multicultural enculturation,
removing from the ground of trustful-truthful becoming
all monopolistic exterminating and terrorizing fantasy solutions;
problems perpetually unresolved with Others spelled IntendedLosers
in abject repressive compliance.
Such extermination through terror fantasies
for powering over life's little and great transitions
rather like swatting a fly
with a grenade,
a too-Yang dominant over-reactive response
which does indeed exterminate the fly-power problem for now,
by causing several newer and more costly challenges
for yet another day,
unless of course we manage to exterminate ourselves as well.
Then we merely pass along our carnage to our children.
Older chronically re-evolving, co-arising problems,
political and economic and ecological,
might healthier resolve with greater cooperative resonance,
with more investment in co-empathic trust
in mutually subsidiary and grateful deep listening
mindful of health/pathology problems nesting within their appositional solutions
inviting to raise grace
rather than more canes,
further pathological exterminations,
executions of mutual-immunity monochromatic intent,
with visions of socio-political grandeur
through naked robes of clown's multiculturing visionplays
with Ego's
and Ethno's
and Anthro's Idolatry,
and Other
as Earth's Maniacally Fertile EgoWorshipers.
Supremacy of Anthro-ReGeneracy our internal monopolistic Selves,
as if that could co-arise RightBrain happiness,
rather than further LeftBrain suffering,
cognitive dissonance
stressfully blocking terror and extermination fantasies,
pinging fears and spontaneously combusting angers,
passive mistrusts
and more actively steamy distrusts,
rupturing black pearls of ballistic hatred.
Old enslaving problems
within renewed
regenerative Left/Right cooperative economic resolutions
point toward Beloved Internal Communication
and External Community.
making hay while sun shines just right
and rain falls just so
on the meadows of our co-empathic trust,
transgenderationally-applied Golden Rules
growing transpeciated-remembering evolving minds
with nutrition v pathology-empathic bodies,
fully co-conscious bilaterally-truthing-testing eco-healthlives,
rather than staying stuck within further dissonantly noisy and stinky decay,
disinclination to wake up and show up.
so that's an hour I'll never get back again,
irredeemably invested in old problems
in new cooperative-regenerative wineskins.
are you going to just keep repeating this same program
through your entire day?
Is that your plan for exterminating yet another day,
another life,
another planet?
Cay is about investing in yet another healthier love-resolving day,
another polypathic resonant trust for radically extended family life,
another healthier Earth.
Less paranoia,
and terrible-terrific-terrifying-terror,
monoculturally-motivated ego-extermination fantasies;
more actively, and inclusive of oneself, pro-cay.
If you feel like we are falling apart
more than we might ever conceivably come together,
then it seems healthiest to hope
that breaking up our current monocultural fossils
is our way through great, and smaller, transitional regenerations
of reincayness.