The 12 Days of Christmas
Journey Journal Page
By Leon Enriquez
Joy to the World
Start with your heart to know love’s art:
String well each part as joy imparts;
Faith knows deep peace as hope greets cheer,
Love anchors lease with all things dear.
Day #1: The Christ
Christ is the true reason
For the Christmas Season;
True love and truth set free
To restore man’s pure spree.
Day #2: The Old and New Testaments
Books of the Bible tell
Two Testaments that dwell:
God’s love for all mankind,
Fine gift of peace of mind.
Day #3: Faith, Hope and Charity
Love funds soul harmony:
Faith, hope and charity —
To live with Christ the Lord
By grace of Father God.
Day #4: Kingdom of Heaven
Know the Gospel story
Where The Christ came to be:
Good News of the Kingdom —
Prized pathway to freedom.
Day #5: Five Books of Moses
Read the five books of Old:
Stern accord that unfolds;
Moses and the promised land,
To worship One God we can.
Day #6: God’s Creation Story
God’s power in action:
Six days of creation,
God made man in His Image,
Our ever-loving Father Sage.
Day #7: Holy Spirit Gifts
Seven Gifts to inspire Love’s fit:
Blessings of the Holy Spirit;
Grace and Light to enlighten,
To conquer our mortal burdens.
Day #8: The Beatitudes of Jesus
Know the eightfold way of grace:
The Christ proclaimed in time and space;
The Beatitudes serve to inspire,
Attest attitudes as cause desires.
Day #9: Holy Spirit’s Nine Fruits
Know thus nine fruits of the Holy Spirit:
Be proactive as mindful acts show fit;
On our earthly journey right now and here,
Soul wayfarer walk the path of good cheer.
Day #10: Ten Commandments
On Mount Sinai God’s precepts for man:
Moses with the Ten Commandments span;
That mankind can obey God’s decrees,
That love blesses all men — you and me.
Day #11: The Faithful Disciples
From The Christ’s chosen disciples,
The eleven faithful apostles:
To spread the Good News to all,
To heed the compassionate call.
Day #12: The 12 Doctrines
The church doctrines in the creed,
That wisdom may sprout from seed;
To walk the stern path of The Christ,
That true love makes even a fool wise.
Love Shows the Way
Love said The Christ can bless and heal,
Learn to be wise as touch greets feel;
Do live fond fest with lavish zest,
Know thus your quest to live your best.
Leon Enriquez
27 December 2022