The Book - the Narrative Style
~The Book~
( Narrative / Short Story)
Shhh...Be quiet! please...or you'll wake up everyone...
Did you see what that young man did all this evening at the table while taking some of his notes?
Yes, sure we did, and so what? a volume of 'Poetry for a Lifetime'replied quietly.
After all, we are all books and we are very important to mankind, everywhere.Yes, we are all very important, no matter who we are.
Yes, but did you see, that he was only going through those old, dog-eared magazines, that are piled at that left corner table?
I am telling you that most people are just browsing through all those computers.I think that they're kind of forgetting about us.I know I should be happy to take this dream vacation.No more prying eyes and hands touching and knowing my most privete thoughts.I should be in heaven! A volume of 'Paradise Lost' remarked.
The 'Gone with the wind' book, just frowned and started laughing.Look at me and remember my lines. Tomorrow is another day!
You should all be quiet, and go to sleep! Merrily a voice said in a whimsical manner.Everybody looked up at one of the highest shelves, where the voice seemed to have sounded from.
Yes, it is me, you knuckles heads! A 'Grim's Complete Fairy Tales' Volume book, spoke in a playful tone.He opened up one of his pages and showed one of his most beloved fairie tales.
Come all over here and pay me a visit.Which one you would wanted me to read you tonight?
What about me reading you, Little Red Riding Hood or perhaps you would prefer, 'The Sleeping Beauty' I am just telling you that I am a very important book indeed.All my stories make children all over the world very happy and parents love me since they find my services more than welcome every night at bedtime.I am very important, yes, Sireeeee.And saying all this, he chuckled with a most contented sight of relief in his very merry and child-like voice of his.
The rest of all the books just fell silent for a moment.A 'Pride and Prejudice' snorted loudly all of sudden, and retorted in his very conceited and masterful voice.Well, they all say that, they all think that they're important.One of my sisters ' Wuthering Heights' thinks the same too, I am telling you.She's always scoffing me and thinking that she's better than me.But I tell her that she's wrong, because I am better than she is.That's for sure.I am a much better classical read than most of you here, just laying around gathering dust.
Wait a minute, hold it right there! A very thunderous voice just said that.Everybody book shuddered at the sound of that very ntimidated voice.I am very old, and I am very important too.I am much older than many of you, just gossiping around, wasting your time and mine.I can't fall sleep with all the racket you're making down here.Can you have some consideration for the ones that need a little more sleep everyday? A ' Tale of Two Cities' volume, took a royal bow to everybody around, while paced back and forth in his most comfortable upper shelf.I am a very important book too.Iam considered a classical among book readers all over the world.So now please go to sleep! and let's end all this nonsense about who's more important or not.Saying this, he yawned so loudly, that he woke up some of his other books that were before dozing in either side of his shelf.
Who dare to do this and woke me up like this in such a rudely manner? A ' Cronicles of Narnia' volume in a roaring voice moaned.How dared you to to do this and believe that you are more important than me.Well, let me tell you, mister, than you're not and never will, more important than me'.A tale of Two Cities', let me tell you, that 'Romeo and Juliet' think the same, and are spitting mad about your delussion of grandeur and self- pride.You know you got a coming anyway, even 'Hamlet' thinks that is better than you are.Take that for a change! Now saying that, I can go back to sleep now.I bid you all good-night ladies and gentlemen!
I don't really care, if you are young or very old, perhaps you may be older and more experienced than me, in many ways, but still I believe I am the most important of all the books in this library, and elsewhere in the world too.A very comanding voice, and full of authority said.Everybody turned around to see the 'Half Blooded Prince' lifting one of his fingers in self- importantance, and saying 'I am the most important book in the world and all my brothers are too.Look up my ratings and our movies too.Everybody wants to know about me, from beggining to end.Everybody wants to read us and know all our upmost hidden secrets in every chapter I have and possessed.So you see, people of all ages like me a lot and bring me to their homes.So that settles everything now, be quiet and go to sleep and stop all your shouting and whispering about.I am the most important book ever! Is that understood? I guess it is...
Not so fast, you fat head! I am the most important, not you.No way! it can't be you.I am the most important book in the whole wide world.I am the 'Lord of the Rings' and I am very full of adventures, wars, death, heroism, magic, betrayals, self-sacrifice, love, and mistery too.I am the one that saves mankind and the whole world from darkness in the end.Remember that! One of my greatest citizens saves the world.His name is Frodo and is a Hobbit.So you see, I am the greatest among all the greatest here in this whole library and all the libraries in the whole wide world. So, please, go to sleep now! I see you tomorrow, my brothers and sisters.Saying that 'The Lord Of The Rings' closed all his pages quietly and with a big smile went to sleep.
Meanwhile in one of the main upper shelves in the library, a very old, wise and worn out 'Holy Bible' just chuckled very softly under his breath...
Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000
“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
- Mark Twain