Love Poem: The Heart of a Libran's
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Written by: Kelleyana Junique

The Heart of a Libran's

I’m programmed to love and be loved, yes I’m your beloved. I know how to tease, excite and 
please and even lots more besides these. I’m a lover in harmonious soul, that adores romance, 
beauty and plays the part of a lover's duty. I have elegance, charm and good taste, and think 
that I can never be replaced.

I’m sensitive to my lover's needs and had the gift to his almost psychic extent by looking 
in his eyes and knowing his needs, and care about them with my own optimism. I maintain 
balance in everything, no wonder our hearts seems connected. he were got captivated by my 
smile, and he loved how much I’m versatile.

My love for harmony and sounds, Colors, poetry, and proper use of words, and i  never escape 
the influence of art, all this makes me so smart. Extremely loving I’m daring, having a heart so 
full of care. Terrified I am of being alone, Count on me, I'm your own. I’m more doers rather 
than thinker, As libran's, i'm  my own trend setter, a leader but but not a follower. 

Beside be calm and perfectly balance, I can be annoying, stubborn and restless, even depressed 
and confused, then be desmused. I’ve had equal parts of kindness, gentleness and keenness all 
vanishes away my stubbornness. I have a positive soul, yet not getting what I want whenever I 
wish can drive me wild. I can win a bottle before it’s fought, all because of my kind heart.

 contest:ZODIAC ZONES( kelleyana junique)