The Silver Bells
Once,many christmases ago,
my grandma gave us kids aspecial gift;
she gave each of us three silver bells connected by a silver chain;
the three silver bells she said,
represented the holy trinity,
as well as God's love of us;
the bells were made of siver,
because silver gives off the purest notes,
and the silver is pure, like God's love;
grandma saidthat these bells were given,
to remind us first of God's love for us,
as well as grandma's love for us;
over the years most of the grandkids have lost those silver bells
but i've managed to keep mine;
and every christmas eve i take those silver bells out,
and i marvel out their sweet tones;
my dear sweet grandma has since past over,
yet,when i hold those silver bells,and hear their sweet music,
i can once more hear my grandma's voice,
as well as feel her sweet love;
the years have slwed my steps,
and age has dimed my sight,
but when i ring my silver bells
their sweet music still touches me;
the music of those bells speaks to me of God's love,
as well as that of my sweet grandma,
and it reminds me of the true meaning of christmas.