The Symptoms of Love
These are the symptoms of falling in love
Cant control it it comes from above
NO remedy no treatment and no cure
Just sit back & prepare for what's in store
it starts off suddenly than quickly spreads
first symptom cant get you out of my head
Where did I get this & how did it start?
before you know it it takes hold of your heart
I fell it in my whole body down to my toes
there's no pain involved It feels wonderful
and the deep feelings continue to grow
It works its way up and invades your mind
we went from 0 to 60 in record time!
it travels with such force and speed
your all I want & so desperately NEED
how did this happen?
I wasn't prepared to feel this way
yet it continues on its path
feelings grow with each passing day
this happiness spreads its faster than most
careful with these deep feelings
I don't want to over dose!
Is it possible to have to much of a good thing?
I gave up on believing in miracles
and than suddenly YOU walked in
Its all over me there's nothing to do
no sense fighting this feeling
I have to be near you
This connection is powerful
SO strong it has to be fate
My Love for you has no expiration date
I try reach the doctor finally I get through
he tells me the recommended treatment
It's right there in front of YOU!
Follow the directions don't take more than directed
Your life is going to change for the better
Soon you BOTH will be infected
Don't you worry it wont hurt a bit
Slowly you will feel this is the one your SUPPOSE to be with
I try to to ask him what can I do is there something I can take?
He smiles and says you cant fight the power of fate
Do you know how many people wish they could bottle what we have here?
Travel this journey together there's nothing to fear
Go with the vibe you had from the start
and when the feelings over come you
Remember to go with whats in your heart
Make sure you finish all treatments you don't have to rush
You will do fine as the "We" becomes "US"
This symptoms don't come along to often in life
Appreciate & respect each other and you'll be alright
This condition is something so deep and so rare
You make sure you handle one anothers heart with care
The side effects could be so powerful its more than some can take
A lifetime of contentment & no more heart ache
Remember this condition only happens to the lucky one
Appreciate how lucky you are and remember to have fun!
If you do all of these things you will have a lifetime of love
And don't forget to say
Thank You to the man up above