The Abyss of Love
Know that the abyss of love
Is up to your falling,
And lovingly embraces
The depths of your calling.
Even though your fear cries out
As you are descending,
The bottom that terrifies
Will not be your ending.
The abyss of love's simply
Fear of your own making.
It can't be filled by prayer
Or 'tens*' won for shaking.
Satan's power is always fear,
God's purpose still is love,
So share the risk, take my hand,
Let's trust in heav'n above.
Brian Johnston
February 8, 2014
Poet's Notes
'tens' - Come on you guys knew that 'tens' meant Olympic Gold for 'high quality shaking' didn't you? My editor-in-chief is so picky sometimes. I'm proud of this one though, a poem that is serious, funny, and sappy at the same time.