The Accident and True Love
On a normal day the sun shining,
Riding in my Jeep with you beside me.
Looking into your beautiful eyes,
I look forward and from the corner,
Of my eye I see a car coming,
Ramming into us,
Glass shattering,
Pushing us over the hill,
Falling falling, looking long enough,
To see the love of my life,
Go thru the windshield.
The pain in my head is excruciating,
I feel the blood running down my face.
I reach out, calling her, she isn't moving.
I call her name over and over.
Then suddenly I hear her moaning.
I tell the paramedics,
Slurring my words....her first.
They load us up, where is she??
The paramedics tell me she's right here,
She grabs my hand, baby I'm ok.
The paramedics tell me it was just,
Lucky there was no glass,
In the windshield that saved her,
I hear the paramedics call out,
We're losing her, I whisper I Love you.
All the lights fade as I hear,
My love screaming Don't leave me,
I Love You, Bring her back, begging.
Days go back I open my eyes,
Hearing a voice pleading to
Bring me back, the most beautiful,
Woman looking down upon,
Crying and kissing me.
Then I look and see the
Dread in her eyes.
Don't worry baby you will walk again.
I look at her seeing the pain in her eyes,
And my whole world comes,
Crashing down.
Her shirt is bloody.
The nurse looks at me and says,
She wouldn't leave,
She was here everyday reading to you,
Telling you she was in love with you,
And she would never leave you.
One day you will stand and watch,
Her walk down the aisle,
Marrying the love of her life.
Your love is everlasting.
Your road to recovery will be long,
But have faith she will always,
Be by your side.