"happily ever after" were the words left to say but it seems he forgot that part of the script & decided to end it his way he got down of the stage before the curtains do he left her with a pathetic good bye she didn’t know what she was supposed to do could do nothing but ask when ..how & why she only realized that he left her all alone when felt the surroundings sympathizing with her she only realized that she was left with no home when she heard them saying how could he do this to her & from a proud young lady...she turned to a poor crying child waiting for someone to hold & say it's okay don’t cry but all her feelings turned to something wild cause she didn’t believe she was only living a big perfect lie she couldn't believe that all those prayers & promises faded away as he left saying "there was nothing worthy to make sacrifice & that it was written in our destinies to be apart one day just try to forget…& give up your blinded eyes face the world alone ..see the truth around you we are not together & we'll never be any more & one day I'll meet someone new the one I'm really made up for don’t blame your self u did no wrong they were only moments between you & I I only couldn’t lead you for so long So wake up & surrender for the goodbye"