The Africans of Old
The Africans of old
At night, slept and of Africa
For Africa they dreamt
Of a day to come
When Africans will be free
Uhuru Uhuru Uhuru
From every form of enslavement
And oppressions.
The Africans of old
In peace and harmony coexisted
mpende jirani yako kama unavyojipenda
Oh they knew how to live
For self and their community
Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu
Hold a man up in his most darkest hour'
For I am because we are.
The Africans of ages past
Held true friends with both hands
For to wash one hand properly
The other is implore.
Won mo 'That a man without a good friend
Was he without a good fortune'
Awethu Awethu Awethu
Because the power to be - ing
Resides with the people.