The After
How can you grieve someone who has never died?
You grieve the memories you shared, the sound of their voice, the warmth you felt in the comfort of their presence.
However now, the feelings no longer have a destination.
They linger in the air like mist.
Breathed in by the atmosphere and soon cover you in a blanket of rain.
Each drop weighing more than the last.
As it goes from a drizzle to a shower,
from a shower to a storm,
the wind knocks you off your feet,
stealing the breath from your lungs.
You sit back in awe at the hurricane that has emerged, accepting the damage since there is nothing else to do
but wait.
You lose hope, but fight to keep your composure.
Debris cuts skin, breaks bone.
But your patience allows you to enter the eye of the storm.
Where faith is visible via the sun rays tearing through the clouds.
The light hitting your skin brings you back to life
enough to envision the after.