Love Poem: The American Flag - the Free Flow Style

The American Flag - the Free Flow Style

~The American Flag~ 
(Free Flow Style) 

Our nations colors are always seen 
First of all for freedom's cause 
Touching us, moving us with every scene 
In history never taking a pause 

Flag that led us through many wars 
Glorious stars n' stripes spangled taking its toll 
In the end taking so much more 
Shedding heroes' blood upon many a shore 

With colors bright it's always there 
Symbolic cloth that our hearts adore 
With so much pride that we can wear 
And display with honor right by the door 

Glorious flag that makes us unite 
Filling us all with so much love 
Blessed One from the Mighty above 
Unfurled, still flying tall, on the wings of a dove. 

Dorian Petersen Potter 
aka ladydp2000 
