As the day faded away and the sun began to set my mother already knew her destiny was upon her the moon gentley rose as she cried silentley alone she looked to the east to the west the south and the north she looked up and down and all around for she knew she'd never see her children again, she planned this night to pass she prayed to our Lord loudly with passion to watch over her children and grandchildren with all the love in her heart, she prayed for forgiveness although she did the best she knew, she walked alone into her room and lay in her bed she put the gun to her temple as she still prayed, she pulled the trigger, all thats left are memories and tears we all cry, but when the sadness starts to fade we'll come to understand she fly's with wings of an angel her soul is set free she watches over us and a tear shall never again fall from her eye's she lay's in a bed of roses and she smiles upon each new day, she is home her mind no longer wonders what her future held, There is a time for every season under heaven and today THE ANGEL OF DEATH CALLED MOMMA HOME. R.I.P. momma 07-06-1946 to 07-24-2008 LOVE YOUR DAUGHTER SHAWNA LEA I WROTE THIS POEM FOR MY MOMMA LORD REST HER SOUL I LOVED HER EVERY MOMENT OF MY LIFE AND I NEVER GOT TO SAY GOODBY OR THAT LAST I LOVE YOU I HOPE SHE HEARS MY VOICE I PRAY SHE KNEW HOW VERRY MUCH I LOVED HER JESUS PLEASE TELL MY MOMMA I LOVE HER AND IT'S OKAY I UNDERSTOOD WHY SHE LEFT US THE WAY SHE DID PLEASE MAKE HER SMILE