The Angels Could Have-
The Angels Could Have…
The angels came to praise the Savior's birth.
Where in a manger wrapped in rags He lay.
God’s greatest gift to all mankind on earth,
Christ, grew to know His Father day by day.
A mortal man called; Joseph knew God’s plan.
He married Mother Mary his betrothed.
A vision came to him, oh, blessed man.
And set love on the road that God proposed.
His earthly parents raised Him as a man.
And God the Father trained Him in right ways.
In Nazareth Christ Jesus knew God’s plan
And taught the word of God to kings and slaves.
Alas the time had come for sacrifice.
The garden where He prayed, “Thy will, not mine…”
His life, betrayed by kiss, sold for a price.
That very night, to God, His will resigned.
The angels in the heavens would have come.
But never did He from us turn His face.
Sin nailed Him to the cross and stood it plumb.
Because of His great love we have God’s grace.
© © Dane Smith-Johnsen
January 30, 2010
Poetic form: Iambic Pentameter