Love Poem: The Argument
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Written by: Sue Mason

The Argument

The Voice to write,
to pen His name
and speak a prayer:
Most Beneficient, most Glorious,
the All-Wise, the All-Bountiful
Mohammad, Buddha, Christ,
of You from whence I Am.

The Voice is weary 
crying to be heard by One Son
who turns away in judgment,
that I who speak
within conviction of My Truth
am reduced to an accusation of being ...

Perhaps to humble this tone
the Voice still and soft,
resonant as a dove that only coos,
striking a Peace not found in the
cacaphony of a blue jay,
may speak.

Oh, Son of Mine
I cry in your pursuit of greed
while praising the compassion
you show ... to other Souls.
Yet now to me you peer
from lofty heights of

The Voice that will hold you calm,
that  wants always to never Condemn,
never Judge,  never Criticize, never Fault,
never Blame, never Shame.
Only speaks:  I love you no matter
what you do.

A Voice crying, crying for
this subtle life so short and sweet
as the ever-deepening twilight 
brings the hope 
of yet another tomorrow
upon this greatest of earthly love.