Love Poem: The Art of a Great Kiss
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Written by: Vee Bdosa

The Art of a Great Kiss

Upon thy moistened, warm and naked lip
I move my seeking, eager finger tip;
my life hath need of you,
I do what I must do;
to kiss thy mouth, where-in my soul can sip.;

'tis long been said, a kiss is just a kiss
and writ in song, we must remember this,
just words I sing for you,
I do what I must do,
to kiss thy lips, where-in life finds it's bliss!

I lay the reason, kisses take so long
for need of energy has grown so strong,
my love, in kissing you,
I do what I must do
to kiss thy lips, yes even if 'tis wrong.

there's never been a kiss borned not from need
demanding energy be sapped in greed,
my kiss is not for you,
I do what I must do,
to drain your energy, where-in my soul is freed.