Love Poem: The Art Of Soul Gazing
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Written by: Karynn Bruno

The Art Of Soul Gazing

Oh come, dear, sit on this bench with me. 
We don’t like all people,
Now do we? 
But yet we watch, indubitably!
With spring trees so evergreen, 
Dandelions pristine.

Annie, can you see?
There’s a cardinal in that tree.
Oh, what glee shall it bring to you and me?
Stop, and listen closely to its song—
It sings a tale, one of romance and tragedy.

And listen closely! For the wind shall whisper its secrets to thee,
Secrets of love.
I was once young like you, you see.
Time stood still for me and my Bobby,
As lasting as the sun, we were Infinity.
He was my sun, blinding

If I recall we met by the sea 
Somewhere in New York City 
Zipping through the water, rivulets descended his body.
I never swam with him— my infinite regret 
Oh, but we danced!
We danced through the wild fields of our youth,
Mad drunks in love, they called us.
Crazy fools. We brought shame to my mother; she never approved.
I was so headstrong, so stubborn, so wrong!

Life swept him up, right in its palm.
We never once heard the bird sing together again
When the commander handed me the letter I wept on his shoulder.
He gave me a look of pity, one that Said, “I hope you get better.”

What a cruel life it is, my dear.
Hold on to your little bows
And if you find love, hold it tight in your grasp— 
Don’t let it go
Let’s go home, my dear.

Now the summer air is fair,
And as I sit by the window on my special blue 
chair, The birds chirp once more in the air
I close my eyes familiar and warm 
The memory swirls, a familiar storm 
I feel death beckon me
But wait! Not now! Not so hasty
Before I go, my dear Annie
I must thee
If I shall ever go and find  distress 
Look for the cardinal in the tree
That’s where you shall find me 

All the leaves are now falling,
Same dance of auburn and gold all around.
And my bones grow old,
As do the trees in the ground.
I may fade, Annie.
They may all forget that my name is Cecile—
The color of my eyes, the sounds of my footsteps.
Oh, let that be!
What will never fade is my legacy.

They won’t forget my soup joumou
And how I danced and sang every time
I heard that bird song.

And when my time comes, as everyone’s time does—
And it must!
Hear me now, before my body turns to dust:
I no longer watch with my eyes,
But I’ll see you grow tall and true.
You’ll feel my love from up on high—
I am forever nearby.
It’s not Bobby.
It is you!
My greatest love, my dream come true
Feel my love in rays of warmth on Your skin,
In every dawn and every run.

For the ribbons in your hair,
Once used to be mine
A thread that binds us,
Through seasons divine.