The Balm of Synchronization
It is dangerous to walk into the conscientious realm of another,
To make love out of emotions long dreaded, long missed, and long lived
Each choice we make to discover in one another
Is sacred, momentous, and worthy of comprehensive purpose
We, in principle, are made for each other,
To live our lives in exploration of one another,
To breathe into the depleted lungs,
To bite the lip long quivering,
To dress wounds as if they are your own
I speak of unity, and I speak of strength
I speak of daring yourself to know the ins and outs of my terrain
Passing all impasses of disdain, sorrow, failure, and unimaginable pain,
They marvel because we matter
You stay because you understand
You understand because I have long dreaded this moment
I have long missed your breaths,
And I have long lived your fears
I have touched the lips that speak so clear,
Wrapping your surfacing scars against the balm of synchronization
A most treacherous climb into the safety of your arms,
I anticipate the choice you make each and every day
You know I wait, because you and I were made that way
In turn, challenging the rest to discern what we have long understood