The Barrier of Sin
Barrier of Sin
Because of man’s fall, there’s a barrier of sin!
The heart of man is wicked and evil within!
No matter what man does.
No matter how hard he may try.
There will be a day when each
person shall die!
The days on earth, that we have, are just a few.
We all will leave our body,
no matter what we do!
God has provided an answer to the “sin problem.”
He sent his son Jesus! He can surely solve them!
He’s willing to take away all of our sin and pain!
We can find hope and forgiveness in Jesus’ name!
Won’t you take the time, and come to him?
He died for you! Even before you knew him!
The barrier of sin can be knocked down today!
Jesus offers salvation! And has made a way!
The power of his blood can take any barrier down!
For where sin is, his grace does
much more abound!
By Jim Pemberton