The Battle Within
It has happened once again,
I don't know how it started.
This is something new,
these waters, uncharted.
You told me your name
and added a sweet hello.
I should have turned away
and not let my interest show.
The conversation began,
it flowed without struggle.
It was effortless between us,
no mixed signals to juggle.
You spoke about your work
and I talked about school.
I even cracked a corny joke
and you didn't think I was a fool.
You appreciated my humor
and I admired your ambition.
As we continued to talk,
I tried to trust my intuition.
It told me, "He's a keeper",
and "He isn't like the rest."
Of course I began to question,
my judgment I second guessed.
The never ending battle began,
between my brain and heart.
"Go on hunny, let him in" and
"you'll stop now if you're smart".
There I go, gave him my number.
He tells me he soon will call.
The first step of the vicious cycle,
The first attack on my brick wall.
The wall that surrounds me
and securely closes me in,
he won't take it seriously,
I'm just another game to him.
He’ll say all the right things
to try and gain my trust.
It won’t take very long
to fall to the feelings of lust.
The feelings that come with it,
don’t allow for an easy escape.
You’ll be one of the lucky ones
to make it out with just a scrape.
The scars that can surface
as a new relationship begins,
are ones that have been,
long hidden deep within.
“This one will be worth it”
to yourself you will say.
“He is such a nice guy,”
is just an overused cliché.
Like a wild predator hunting,
he has you in his sights.
Always ready to pounce,
into his helpless prey he bites.
Now you’re in his grasps.
Good luck breaking free.
Don’t let your heart win.
Please take it from me…