The Bay
My love came down the way, that way
He smiled and hollered come stay, come stay!
I skipped, i jumped but to my dismay.
I tripped and fell into the bay, that bay.
I sunk, i flailed, i hit the wave
But no fight could calm that grave, this grave.
My eyes shut, my mouth gasped, my lungs gave
As i drifted towards a cave, that cave
The prays were said the tears where shed that day, today
As my empty casket was lowered into the clay, this clay.
My loved sat pale as he watched them work midday, that day
Thinking of his dead girl decay, decay
But up a hill i came the way, this way
Dripping wet and with a heaving sway, a sway
People laughed as I sighed i’m okay, okay
then went off quick to relay, a relay
I told them of the cave, that cave
that saved me from my grave, that grave.
i washed up there and found a man quite brave
who gave me air that the water depraved
My love came bursting into the room, so soon
babbling like a buffoon
He fell to his knees in a mighty swoon, so soon
then rose in a happier crying tune. this tune.
I will love the lass, this lass, my lass
He shouted to the mass, this mass, that mass
Her faults, her strengths, even her crass.
never will there be a woman of her class, this class
We married in the cave, that day
People we’re yelling hooray, hooray
it was a very lovely display, today
We headed down the walkway, this way
My love then whispered so softly to say
Never will my heart betray, anyway
Never will i make you feel astray
He reached into his pocket so gray, so gray
He gave me a box that had been for yesterday, that day
which he was going to give me before i fell into the bay, that bay
He smiled and opened it, and said happy birthday
let us spend more together okay, okay....