The Beauty of Jesus
The Beauty of Jesus…
The beauty of Jesus can’t be
compared to anything!
He is the Lord God! And has created
The love of Jesus can cleanse and change you!
The power of his blood can totally rearrange you!
The glory of Jesus is real and very evident!
His return to this earth is near and imminent!
The truth of Jesus can bring a godly restoration!
He offers true mercy and the purest salvation!
The resurrection of Jesus provides life eternal!
Because of him, you can be in heaven’s journal!
Anything you’ll ever need… He has provided!
Your eternal home can now be decided!
Won’t you receive the abundant life he’s given?
Won’t you accept to have your sins forgiven?
Jesus promises to never disappoint or fail you!
He does this, because of how much he loves you!
The beauty of Jesus is more precious than gold!
He gives so much more than what can be told!
Let’s honor and worship the beauty of his name.
And remember that it was for us all that he came!
He came that we may have life everlasting…
This can all be yours… Simply for the asking!
By Jim Pemberton 11/21/14